Vampirism: Dark Kiss, Awakening and Immortality

The Order vindicates that Asetianism is the first spiritual system of vampirism in history, created by vampires. And although there are many widespread cults concerning the archetype of the vampire, Asetianism is the only organized religion for vampires to date.

"The vampires of the House of Aset, the Order of Aset Ka, are not vampires from fiction or myth, nor are they new-age psychic vampires alike. They belong to a very specific metaphysical breed, or otherkin bloodline, born thousands of years ago. Long dead and reborn, in an ever-changing world, their souls linger forever and, in silence, they walk among us."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

In an Order highly connected to vampirism and magick, Aset Ka members are known for taking very seriously their actions and beliefs.
According to some of their own writings, they believe that as vampires, manipulating and drawing vital energy from others or by the consumption of living blood from humans (willing donors, or not) allows for their powers to manifest. It is said that these powers include actions like energy manipulation, magickal attacks, psychic abilities and others. But it is not claimed that they need those drains, or vampiric attacks, in order to keep themselves alive or immortal like in the vampire myths. Their concept of immortality goes far deeper than death of the flesh, being related to their belief that an Asetian soul, unlike a human being, is truly immortal.

"Asetians are not passive beings in a changing world. They impose themselves above that world and their forces, conquering it with their own divine spark. Asetianism is about finding the divine but also how to fully comprehend the sacredness of the divinity within."
- Aset Ka Official Website

According to the Asetian mythology, the Asetians are a vampiric bloodline that started in Ancient Egypt by Aset, that conceived three sacred children out of her essence. This is the reason as why they are known as the Children of Aset, and vindicate to be the eldest vampiric bloodline alive.

As it is told in the Asetian Bible, following Aset's three children, an empire was forged in secret, that allowed for the spread of the Asetian bloodline. The Elder vampires would have the powers to spiritually transform a human being into an Asetian, by an initiatory magickal procedure that the Asetians called the Dark Kiss, whose details are not fully unveiled even in the Order's own public works. Certainly one of the magickal rituals, or initiatory techniques, more surrounded in secrecy around the occult panorama.

After the dramatic experience that is the Dark Kiss, the initiate is said to undergo a process of spiritual transmutation, known as the Awakening. During this time, it is supposed for his full life, mind and soul to be reborn, into a new immortal vampiric being: an Asetian. The Awakening is believed to be an evolutionary step in the life of an Asetian, that undergoes that process of transformation in every life, representing the phase where they grow aware of their true nature and find their path within the Aset Ka.


Real vampires are not pure fiction

Between a combination of the fact that our brains are roughly nothing more than a highly advanced mass of nerves, and that every function is controlled by signals that our brain sends through our nerves to the rest of our bodies, I think that if we could somehow make our nerves send stronger, more efficient signals at a quicker speed it would have a lot of different results. Including heightened sense (both physical and psychic) moving quicker both running and walking along with arm movement etc. The brain being just nerves would obviously also be effected, resulting in quicker more efficient thinking, which naturally would make us smarter, more observant, and have much sharper reflexes.

Since this may also result in pain receptors working harder, we would be more sensitive to types of heat and other forms of pain. Explaining sensitivity to sun and loud noises. The body naturally creating endorphins to counteract pain would naturally adapt and produce either stronger endorphins or endorphins at a higher rate. This would result in a higher control over pain in the long run.

While that would be the results of a nervous system that has become more efficient, it probably sounds like pure fiction of it happening. However if you look at what happens to ones body when they are about to fight, with the sudden increased strength, it makes it seem more possible. As for regenerating as well, as cuts and bones healing in seconds, you’re on your own. Then again I can’t think of a vampire movie where one re-grew an arm or any other body part.

Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former basically says, prepare for a fight, the latter says, take it easy and relax. Personally after my change I've been consciously aware of that going on and am wondering if this is the case for other real vampires.

When we are about to fight, the sympathetic takes over and norepinephrine (adrenaline) pours into the blood, causing the circulatory system to be affected. Blood gets transferred from the skin and viscera to the brain and muscles, causing paleness and muscles to become strong. The extra blood going to the brain causes us to think quicker. The increased production of red blood corpuscles, allows for quicker coagulation, as well as quicker and deeper breathing. The blood also leaves the different digestive organs while being rushed to the brain and muscles. This results in cessation of digestion. With the power of the internet this is easily looked into and confirmed.

If we, as real vampires, were in a constant state of that, seeing that a good portion of our body would feel the lack of blood it does make sense that we would feel the constant need to get blood from an outside source to feel reasonably normal. Plus with that lack on a philosophical jump of logic we could say that any blood that we ingested would be immediately drawn into our body, much like a dehydrated person’s body quickly puts any water they drink to use.

That is the most logical explanation I can come up with for the idea of vampires being smarter, quicker, stronger, slightly faster healing, paler, and more psychically aware. The following endogenous retrovirus belief is the most logical I have heard as to why us real vampires exist. Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.

The endogenous retrovirus belief

Yale University ''Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease.'' The belief that being a vampire was caused by a disease dates back at least as far as the black plague. Making this far from being a new belief, and the black plague happened long before movies were even thought of. Meaning this is defnitely not due to the latest vampire movie, or any vampire or non-vampire movie for that matter. ''endogenous retroviruses are a sub-category of oncoviruses that include the lentiviruses. endogenous retroviruses are negative single-stranded RNA viruses in which tRNA serves as a primer for the mRNA synthesis. The mRNA is then reverse transcribed into DNA, which is then integrated into the chromosome at a multiplicity of sites, particularly those that are transcriptionally active.''

The main reason behind why real vampirism isn't as widely believed as one would think, is due to a failure of the general public's' understanding of the endogenous retrovirus referred to as V5. A majority of the general public doesn’t believe, and do not want to believe, that human DNA can be altered in such a way to create such a being.

The term 'Real Vampire' for purpose of this site is going to be used as a medical term and therefore must be separated from the 'Vampire' myths, such as Dracula. A Viral Vampire is an infected human. Though the DNA in the host human has been greatly altered, the organism remains human in the medical sense, as the number of chromosomes have not been changed. The entire human race has the same number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is what separates humans and animals (except for those born with Down's Syndrome - these people have an extra copy of chromosome 21 but are, of course, human). It must be kept in mind that DNA can be altered in many ways. Many endogenous retroviruses can alter their DNA to become stronger and survive even more intolerable conditions. This is what happens with the human DNA with the V5 endogenous retrovirus.

Technically still human

Technically the Real Vampire is still a human. However, for sake of discussion let us think of viral Vampires as non-human or as the next step in human evolution. This is difficult to believe because many of the attributes of a Real Vampire are considered far more developed than those of a human. Strength, speed, enhanced mental and/or psychic abilities, the ability to digest human and animal blood more efficiently are but a few of the differences. The reason this happens is the basic human DNA is altered by the endogenous retrovirus. The endogenous retrovirus, which we call V5, is NOT the same virus as HIV. To simplify, it is transmitted through a simple exchange of blood which can later be passed on either through birth or the more traditional way of an exchange of blood.

Through birth, the child inherits the retrovirus, passed on from the mother or father. The parent may have become infected with the endogenous retrovirus from some other member of their family such as a cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the retrovirus is passed onto the newborn. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., real vampires themselves. The passing of the endogenous retrovirus to the child from the parent produces a biological vampire child. The V5 is passed onto the newborn much the same way the other seven endogenus retroviruses that separate humans from chimpanzees are passed from mother to child. Every normal human being all ready has ten endogenous retroviruses three of which are shared with chimpanzees. The other seven are only found in humans.

According to Yale university as well as other well respected universities these are the difference that make humans more evolved than the chimpanzee. In such a child, the endogenous retrovirus remains dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of hormones is believed to activate the endogenus retrovirus system. Meaning it really is not a stretch to say that introducing one or more new endogenous retroviruses to a human will cause them to become a vampire, in effect giving the vampire some definite new advantages.

The effects of the V5 endogenous retrovirus then take a number of years during later childhood growth to become completely effective, i.e. active in the system from its previously dormant state in the child's body. In most cases, the child assumes that it is just the normal changes that happen to everyone during puberty, and generally thinks no more of it. It is also believed that the blood chemical make-up of the individual is also responsible in determining if the child will be fully affected by the endogenous retrovirus and thus DNA altered. (When the exchange of blood happens, the endogenous retrovirus adapts to the newly introduced blood chemical make up, which is what allows a real vampire to take on the strengths from the one that they have received the blood from, thereby allowing it to become compatible with the new potential host.) As with Inheritors, it takes traditional vampires a while to develop the full blown endogenous retrovirus after being infected. (Most of the changes happen within the first 3 days, roughly 70-80%. The remaining changes happen over the next few years.)

Relatively newly discovered

V5 is closely related to many other viruses such as the common flu virus and the HIV virus. V5 is not the HIV virus but works in much the same way when infecting the host. Another reason the reality and cause of vampirism in today's modern world is not more commonly known, is because many members of the public or medical establishment do not know of the existence of V5. Why do they not know of it? Because unlike the Ebola virus and the Black Plague which have been named and dated, V5 in the scheme of the medical world is relatively new, and not deadly. That is not to say that it has just been stumbled across in modern times but it has existed in the shadows of humanity for a millennium without a definite name. V5 has only been known for a relatively short time, many years to be sure, but in regard to other viruses, a short time.

It has been many years now that several doctors in several parts of the USA and Europe have known about and been actively studying the V5 and its victims. These studies have been accomplished by long range, personal, and one-on-one research with these infected people.

Why so secretive?

The same reason as with any other discovery. Once released, the doctors and researchers will gain money, fame and reputation. Not to mention grants, and the licensing of new drugs, etc.

A few years ago, it was discovered that V5 is related to the HIV virus. We began telling people then of an impending breakthrough in a vaccine for HIV. A vaccine for HIV was discovered from the link to the vampire endogenous retrovirus. During the month of June 1998, both NBC and ABC first gave the announcement of a new HIV vaccine.

Just prior to that release, the news announced a gene, newly discovered, that lengthened the life of a fruit fly by twice its normal life span. That gene, in an insect, was gained from gene mapping, isolating, and gene construction, and the same is possible and already being done with humans. Is it a coincidence, maybe?


 SANGUINE vampires (or sanguinarians) are vampires who feed by drinking blood. However, it is not the blood itself that they are feeding on. It is the life-force energy contained within the blood. Blood drinking is arguably the most potent form of feeding on life-force energy, and many sanguinarians can thrive for many weeks from a single feeding. (A single feeding is often about an ounce or two of blood taken from a willing donor.) Sanguinarians often describe blood drinking as a very fulfilling, very powerful and somewhat intoxicating experience. It also tends to be a rather intimate form of feeding.

PSI (or PSY) vampires are vampires that feed psychically on life force energies. Psi feeding (in any form) can be done from an individual (most often a willing donor) or from the ambient energies of a group or crowd. However, psi feeding can also be done from a person without the person realizing that they are being fed from, although many may consider it to be unethical to do so. Generally though, the person being fed from is not harmed by the feeding in any way. It should be noted that there is no difference between a psi vampire and a psy vampire, other than the spelling. As for the difference in spellings, the only conclusion I have been able to reach is that psi is an abbreviation of psionic, while psy is an abbreviation of psychic. However both terms, psionic and psychic, refer to psychic phenomena. Psi vampires used to be referred to as psychic vampires, but the field of behavioral psychology has co-opted the term psychic vampire to describe a person who has a psychological need for attention and will do whatever they can to get that attention from anyone and everyone, leaving those that interact with them feeling drained. Psi vampires avoid using the term psychic vampire to differentiate themselves from the behavioral psychology psychic vampires. Some will also refer to psi vampires as pranic vampires, derived from the term prana, a Sanskrit term literally translated as life-force energy.

EMPATHIC vampires are vampires who feed on emotional life-force energies from the emotions of people. There are those that will say that vampires that feed on negative emotional energies (anger, fear, etc.) are negative/chaotic vampires and are a subcategory/specialization of empathic vampires. Others will say that negative/chaos vampires are separate from empathic vampires. The reason is that empathic vampires will usually feed on whatever emotions a person is feeling without necessarily causing those emotions. However, often negative/chaos vampires will cause situations where negative emotions and chaotic energies will be stimulated and then feed off of those energies.

SEXUAL vampires are vampires who feed on the life-force energies generated from having sex, especially the excess energies generated at the moment of orgasm. They can do so psychically and/or from bodily fluids. Female sexual vampires are sometimes referred to as succubi (singularly, succubus), and male sexual vampires are sometime referred to as incubi (singularly, incubus). Some will also refer to sexual vampires as "TANTRIC" vampires. Others will refer to sexual vampires as pranic vampires. There is sometimes debate within the vampire community if referring to sexual vampires as pranic vampires is correct or not as there are some within the vampire community that refer to psi vampires as pranic vampires, which could lead to some confusion when talking about pranic vampires. Those that support referring to sexual vampires as pranic vampires argue that pranic energies and prana are two different things, and that pranic energies are energies related to sex while prana is just life-force energies. There are those that think the use of the labels tantric and pranic in reference to sexual vampires is an attempt by some within the vampire community at political correctness who feel that the term sexual vampire is derogatory and/or offensive or simply think that tantric and pranic "sound" better than sexual. However, it is also possible that those who use tantric or pranic when talking about sexual vampires are doing so to differentiate them from any link to behavioral psychology which seems to also be co-opting the term sexual vampire to describe a person who has a psychological need for attention (much like a psychic vampire) through sex.

SOUL vampires are vampires that are able to feed directly off the energy of a person's soul. As a result of soul feeding, soul vampires will sometimes gain some or all of the abilities of the person they are feeding from. Soul vampires will also sometimes receive memories, thoughts and desires of the person that they are feeding from. Soul feeding is a very intimate form of feeding, even more so than sexual and sanguine feeding. Soul vampires are also sometimes referred to as soul devourers.

ELEMENTAL vampires are vampires that are able to feed on the life force energies of the elements; earth, wind, fire, and water. Some will say that elemental vampires are elementalists who are able to manipulate elemental energies and then convert those energies into consumable life-force energies. Others will say that elemental vampires feed directly from elemental life-force energies. There are also those that will say that vampires who feed on life-force energies from plants and animals are also elemental vampires. However, there are those that distinguish such vampires as nature vampires. Another method of feeding often considered a subcategory or specialization of elemental feeding is electrical feeding; the indirect feeding on energies in electrical fields and lightning. Others will distinguish such vampires as electrical vampires.

ASTRAL vampires are vampires that are able to travel through the astral plane and feed off of the life-force energies of other entities within the astral plane, and/or they are able to materialize in astral form and feed off the life-force energies of people that are usually asleep.

DREAMSCAPE vampires are essentially astral vampires that are able to enter into a person's dream, and feed from the life-force energies within the dream. They can be invisible observers in the dream, or they can manifest themselves within the dream. Some are able to influence the course of the dream.

MAGICKAL vampires are vampires that are able to feed on and manipulate magickal energies.

Vampires who only use one method of feeding are referred to by the way that they feed (i.e., sanguinarian, elemental vampire, sexual vampire, etc.). Vampires who are able to feed using some but not all psychic methods but are not able to feed sanguine are referred to as adaptive psi vampires. Vampires who are able to feed using all psychic methods but are not able to feed sanguine are referred to as eclectic psi vampires. Sanguine vampires that are also able to feed using some but not all psychic methods are referred to as adaptive vampires. Sanguine vampires who are also able to feed using all psychic methods are referred to as eclectic vampires.

Aset Ka

The Kemetic Order of Aset Ka is a spiritual society and metaphysical order of mysteries, which vindicates to be founded in Kemet by an entity known as Aset, during a time they call the Sep Tepy. The word Kemet means Black Land in Ancient Egyptian, referring to the lands of Egypt itself, in the shores of the Nile; while Sep Tepy means First Time, a Kemetic terminology to a supposedly golden era of their civilization, an ancient primordial timeframe that predates Dynastic Egypt.

The Order, as it is commonly referred, is one of the most influential Kemetic Orders, as well as vampiric movements, inside the occult underground in Europe, especially in the Iberian Peninsula.

With its headquarters based in the city of Oporto, Portugal, Aset Ka is known for its traditional approach to magick and vampirism, studying a very different variety of occult arts, philosophies, and practices.

Its tradition is connected with the Left Hand Path, Black Magic and Dark Occultism, but ultimately based on Egyptian Magick, practicing mystical Vampirism and studying chaos magick, as well as different forms of High Magick, energy work and rituals, considered highly elite in the wide occult studies spectrum.

Being a Kemetic Order, they trace their roots back to Ancient Egypt, culture where they take many of their philosophical and spiritual works, as well as base magical system, religion and symbolism.

The name Aset Ka is transliterated from Ancient Egyptian, and is composed of two different words:

  • Aset being the Egyptian name for the Goddess Isis, which is a Greek name for the Egyptian Goddess of magick and power, and also meaning literally "Throne" in Ancient Egyptian, being the reason why Isis is many times painted with a throne symbol on her head. She is sometimes considered to be the Goddess of Many Names, the face behind many divinities, and the Goddess of All Gods;
  • Ka meaning vital energy and being part of the Egyptian concept of soul.

According to the Order, their ranks and castes are only accessible to those who are loyal and true, without any direct definition of what that might imply, but stating quite clearly that for everyone else, the Order will never be real, making reference to the traditional secrecy of their inner knowledge and workings.

"The Order of Aset Ka is an elitist secretive society. The essence and knowledge behind the Aset Ka is not found in buildings, objects or common books. Its mysteries are only unveiled to the worthy and its doors only open for the ones who are loyal and true. For everyone else... the Order will never exist."
- Aset Ka Official Website

Asetianism: The Tradition

The Order of Aset Ka holds a tradition that is the magickal and spiritual system followed by the Asetians. Asetianism, the sacred mystical tradition of the Aset Ka, is a profound system of dark and predatory spirituality, based on enlightenment, transformation and evolution of the soul.

The Order vindicated Asetianism to be one of the first systems of High Magick in the history of mankind, whose practices date all the way back to Ancient Egypt and were influent even before the Dynastic Periods.

"Development and enlightenment is a slow and enduring process of the Asetian journey through life. This metaphysical initiation is a system of transmutation. By this pure and deep change, it is meant that the Asetian achieves to alter in form, appearance and nature, which is a manifestation of the force of the Violet Flame itself. This transmutation, deeply connected with the vampiric birth, represents the alchemical nature of the Asetian soul, ever changing and eternal. According to this, we can establish the Asetians as the alchemists of the soul, creators and destroyers, catalysts of change and evolution, with the power to transform lead into gold. Asetians are the givers of life, the pillars of the subtle existence, owners of the breath of immortality."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

Energy being the central backbone of the whole tradition, there is of major importance within its practices the knowledge of magickal ritual practices, as well as the mastery of energy work, meditation and past-life research. The concept of reincarnation fits in every piece of the Asetian tradition. The full framework behind the Asetian religion resides in the belief on reincarnation. Because it is through this cycle of life, death and rebirth that the initiate conquers true immortality of his soul, being this concept of immortality also a central theme around the Order's practices. With this in mind, the Asetians strive for perfecting themselves over the ages, in an ever changing environment, roaming our reality in the shadows of societies and mankind. Spiritual evolution is their highest goal, and mystical knowledge the treasure they profess to protect.

Their magickal practices include many influences, from the ancient Egyptian High magick, passing through medieval traditional witchcraft and oriental energetic practices to more contemporary ceremonial magick perpetuated by people like Aleister Crowley and Liliana Zyn.
The Asetians also give high importance to the study and development of magickal theories and the occult, as well as intense study of many mystery schools. They see magick as something not opposed to science, but as fields of knowledge that can healthy interact. Because of this, several members of the Aset Ka are actually traditional scientists, according to what is stated on the introductions of the Asetian Bible.

They have a complex system of numerology and magickal numbers, in a tradition highly connected to symbolism and sigilization. To an Asetian, the 7 is the most sacred number, meaning immortality and everlastingness.



Aset Ka uses an internal hierarchical structure system. Based on knowledge, influence and power inside the Order casts, it organizes in several different initiatory levels, who's nature is not known outside of the Order itself. But a very different concept than Aset Ka's hierarchical structure is what they call Lineages. Lineages in this sense is a strictly Asetian definition and refers to the three kinds of Asetians that can exist within the Asetian bloodline. The three Lineages are a great mystery within the Aset Ka teachings and they refer not only to the three ways in which an Asetian soul can evolve spiritually after Awakening, as well as they represent highly powerful metaphysical archetypes. Although detailedly addressed in the Asetian Bible, the names of the Lineages are known as:

  • Serpent, The Lineage of Viperines
  • Scorpion, The Lineage of Guardians
  • Scarab, The Lineage of Concubines

"These demigods were not human, but were not so different from them either, and unlike their mother, they would not leave the physical realm at the end of the Sep Tepy. And so they would remain here, as their own mother’s representatives, always evolving, forever changing and adapting to the new realities, as societies change and shift. They soon gathered followers and allies, to which they passed knowledge and transformed their Ba, like the sacred kiss that Aset once gave to them, long time before, and in this way giving birth to a whole new spiritual race in the shadows of this world. They would be known as the Asetians."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

However, the whole Order's existence and practices are surrounded by secrecy, even inside their own closed structure. One of the main pillars of Aset Ka is their rigid rules and policies, common to other dark orders, where no failure or weakness is ever accepted, and where there are no second chances given. Membership is, of course, only possible by direct invitation from the Order's higher powers.

Dark Mark

The Dark Mark (see image above) is a concept that members of the Aset Ka use in a magickal sense, being known as a magickal seal or sigil engraved on the skin of the members' wrist.

What at first look might seem like a regular tattoo, the Order's Dark Mark is engraved according to old traditions and secret rituals of power. According to their teachings, the sigil was designed by Aset herself, more than 8000 years ago, and is used in some sort of secret initiation.

The Mark is not to be used by all the members from the Order, but only by those of the bloodline of Aset, the Asetians, and never by low ranked initiates.

"To their secret and silent group Aset called Aset Ka, as a direct symbol of their true origins – the Essence of Isis, the Ka of Aset. And so She said and marked in blood, that those loyal to Her, would be forever loyal to them, because they were one. In Her Dark Kiss She engraved Her holy sigil deep in their very souls, that would forever be their Asetian Mark, and they would do the same to their followers."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

Theories have been developed on Ordem Peninsular's former teacher Diana Morais essays about Left hand path secret societies, and in some of the vampire discussion lectures held by Liliana Zyn herself. By these theories, the concept of dark mark in JK Rowling's novels, used by death eaters, is based on the ones used by the Aset Ka, since Rowling have lived and teach English in the city of Oporto when started writing the Harry Potter books, it is possible that she have been in contact with some members of the Order during that period.

While the real usage of the Dark Mark by the Order members is not entirely known, people speculate about some metaphysical form of contact in danger situations, and as a definitive sacred mark of their kin, as it is referred by Mater, Iuliana (Aug. 17, 2002). Encantamentos Nivel 3. Publicações Ordem Peninsular, p. 524.

Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard is the common name for the military arm of the Aset Ka, also referred to as the special forces or secret services of the Asetian Empire.

The IG is the activist sect of the Higher Order, the Aset Ka, from which some of the field work is applied. It is speculated that some of the most evil acts, inhumane ideals and unmoral work from the Order are produced by this sect.

By this, it is not to be assumed that all Aset Ka members are to be feared, nor that from the whole Imperial Guard sect is to be expected aggressive behaviours. Actually, a very large number of Aset Ka members, priesthood and Masters do not promote violence, even though caution is expected when to be approached.

Important is to note that the Imperial Guard is an integer part of Aset Ka, and controlled by it. There is no IG outside of the Order nor is it independent from it. It's just a very specific department that gained it's notability from others by his polemic and elitist positions inside the Order's structure.

Most of the notability of the Aset Ka's Imperial Guard occurred during the times of Ancient Egypt, according to their own sources, and were highly active in a series of confrontations and events that are known within the Order as the Epic Wars. During this time, the Imperial Guard represented Aset's personal guard, that was late to become the Order's most feared militia.

Asetian Bible

Although producing private and independent publications for several years, commonly only accessible to inner circles of the Order, in 2007 the Order has broke their code of silence in a never before seen move by the Asetian world. The Aset Ka gathered several pieces of until then highly secret metaphysical material, especially of theological and spiritual nature, and published them in a volume of sacred words. This book, entitled Asetian Bible, is a breakthrough in terms of history, in what comes to publically and officially published material on vampirism, particularly on Asetianism.

"Asetianism promotes understanding on a raw level. In every incarnation, the Asetian fights to achieve self-realization. This is a slow and constant process of discovery, growth and adaptation. The constant seek and conquering of his goals, in the life of an Asetian, promotes a dynamic expansion of his consciousness, in a permanent cycle of rebirth. The profound self-realization that the Asetian seeks empowers him with joy and happiness. These feelings of happiness and profound inner peace are not only promoted through the evolution of the Self and in the realization found from it, but also is a deep feeling that awaits behind the void to those that, like the Children of Aset, have felt the sacredness of the divine spark. Asetians have tasted the nectar of immortality. They are beings of energy, empowered with the essence of the Violet Flame. They celebrate life, and live it deeply. Asetianism is about loving Aset, unconditionally embracing life and honoring the divine within."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

The Public Version of the Asetian Bible was published directly by the Aset Ka, imposing themselves as an official publisher from Portugal. Although many high names of the Order are said to be part of the project that brought this book to life, the definitive author of the published work is Luis Marques. A Portuguese writer of high credentials inside of the Order's structure and considered one of the world's leading specialists in Asetian knowledge.

The tome of the book is philosophic, sometimes dramatic, and expresses the Asetian spirituality in magickal way, very tipical of the Asetian nature, being a definitive reference to scholars on vampirism and the occult or to anyone simply interested in knowing more about the Order, the Asetian bloodline, their metaphysical practices or their Ancient Egyptian spiritual tradition.


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